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Peneliti AS Kembangkan Cokelat Jadi Obat

California: Para peneliti dari Universitas California, Amerika Serikat, saat ini berupaya mengubah cokelat menjadi obat. Terutama, obat yang dapat memerangi penyakit jantung serta pelindung tubuh dari berbagai serangan penyakit.

Seperti dilansir Zee News, Kamis (20/1), para peneliti tersebut meneliti gen dari pohon Theobroma cacao atau biasa dikenal dengan cokelat. Mereka hendak meningkatkan manfaat dari biji cokelat bagi kesehatan tubuh manusia. Selama dua tahun lamanya mereka berupaya memecahkan kode genetik pohon cokelat yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas, rasa dan nilai gizi dari biji cokelat.

Para peneliti juga mencoba meningkatkan senyawa yang dikenal dengan sebutan flavonol. Flavonol yang masuk ke dalam sub-kelompok flavonoid alami dipercaya memiliki efek baik bagi sistem kardiovaskular. Beberapa ahli mengatakan, asupan flavonol dapat mempengaruhi kelancaran aliran darah serta kestabilan tekanan darah.

Kini, menurut pimpinan penelitian Profesor Howard-Yara Shapiro, mereka tengah mempelajari gen dari 34.997 pohon cokelat. Bersama dengan timnya, Profesor Saphiro yakin proyek penelitiannya akan berbuah hasil menakjubkan dalam lima tahun ke depan. Untuk membiayai penelitiannya, Profesor Saphiro juga telah membujuk Mars Incorporated untuk mendanai proyek yang bernilai US$ 10 juta ini.

"Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kandungan flavonol pada cokelat. Bukanlah hal yang tidak mungkin jika cokelat akan memiliki berbagai macam manfaat dalam 10 sampai 15 tahun mendatang," kata Profesor Shapiro.

Mistery of Crop Circle

Sleman, Since the discovery of crop circles in the area of ​​Sleman, Yogyakarta, some time ago, the debate continues to spread associated with this mysterious phenomenon. In many parts of the world, there are a number of crop circles highly complex and is formed only in one night. And experts say the small possibility of this sort of crop circle created by human beings. Some crop circles even known to contain the messages conveyed in the form of code.
One of the crop circle is considered the most mysterious is found in wheat field near the Chilbolton radio telescope, England, in August of 2001 ago. Crop circles or crop pattern formation is not only complicated but also contains a message in binary code or binary.
The message expressed in the form of a humanoid creature maker but mini-sized body with a high only around one meter. Dominant element in their bodies, not as humans but silicon carbon. Their population of around 22 billion and lived in three different planets.
What is interesting messages in crop circles are answers word for word to a message sent searchers organization extraterrestrial life SETI (Search for Extraterestrial Intelligence) into space, 27 years ago.

Of course, the claim crop circles are immediately sparked debate. Some scientists have accused the crop circle is a form of sophisticated forgery. But until now no one claiming to be making crop circles are formed in this overnight.
Chilbolton crop circle only one form of crop circles that are difficult dinalar uniquely human. In Canada, the United States, Australia, and Japan, this crop circle phenomenon also occurs. Image of living creatures such as scorpions, sun flowers, circles and various unique series of images shows the intelligence of the maker.
Not every crop circle-shaped complex with a secret message like in Chilbolton. Crop circle found in Sleman and Bantul, Yogyakarta classified simple crop circle. It is probable that only the work of people such as fraudulent some conclusions Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN). [Read: Wow .. in Bantul Also There is a Crop Circle!]
The debate about the crop circle is not over. Some argue, all man-made crop circles. Others insisted, cases of crop circles can not be generalized. How to make a simple crop circle might not be applicable to more complex crop circle.
Almost 350 years since the first appearance in Britain in 1647 until now, the logic behind the formation of crop circles is still confusing. Whatever people's opinions, a number of complex crop circle remains a mystery to
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