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The discovery of the Hidden Sea Locked in Mantel Earth

SmartSide - Deep in the Earth there are still many mysteries. If in the past we believe, if in layers in the earth, there lives a mystery. And there are few stories as well, if in the earth there is a very beautiful world.

 It inspired several fictional story, which became the movie box office in Hollywood. 

But whether in the earth there are things that are portrayed in the film? Apparently, deep in the Earth's mantle is a rocky, there are oceans of water confined in the type of mineral called ringwoodite.

 It is claimed by a team of scientists, who have done research on the earth. The results of this study will help scientists understand the water cycle on Earth, and how the tectonic plates move in between.

7 Surprising Facts about the Human Brain

Human Brain

Smartside - Most of the human brain is still the greatest mystery, which is still unresolved. Be it in the field of medicine or philosophy, questions relating to the human brain and thinking, making researchers and philosophers overwhelmed. We still see some surprising facts about the human brain. Facts about the human brain, providing insights into the mysteries of the brain. And the possibility of understanding the human brain, little by little began to open. So what are the facts about the Human brain? Here are 7 surprising facts about the human brain we quoted from Boldsky:

Brain More Active During Sleep
If you think that the brain is not so active at night, it was wrong. You should note that, the brain is actually more active at night while we sleep. The brain is an organ that does not break, whether you are dreaming or not.

Hanya iseng Sudiyono mendapatkan Duit Rp 40 Juta/Bulan di Youtube

Awalnya, Sudiyono hanya iseng mengunggah video buatannya ke Youtube. Namun dari keisengan, pria asal Desa Jamus, Karanganyar tersebut kini memperoleh pendapatan Rp 40 juta per bulan.
Keseharian pria yang akrab dipanggil Topan ini sebagai penyedia jasa video shooting untuk acara musik atau pernikahan. Sekitar tahun 2009, Topan sudah mengunggah ratusan video yang kebanyakan video acara musik.
"Hanya iseng upload video di Youtube”. Senang aja kalau ada yang komen. Belum kepikiran pasang Google Adsense," kata Topan kepada Tribun Jateng, pekan lalu.
Suatu ketika, Topan mendapatkan email dari pihak Google yang berisi pemberitahuan bahwa video-video yang terunggah di Youtube bisa menghasilkan uang berupa pemasangan iklan Google Adsense. Namun karena masih awam, Topan tidak terlalu merespons.
"Saya masih awam soal Adsense. Saya malah bingung dapat email itu. Saya pikir bohongan, masa cari uang gampang sekali," ujarnya.

Mengatasi Windows 7 Restart Sendiri

Bagi yang menggunakan Windows 7 apalagi pertama kali, akan bingun jika menghadapi komputer yang restar sendiri. Dan itu sebenarnya di setingan default win 7.  Untuk mengatasi windows 7 restart sendiri perlu di setting lagi. Ok untuk mempercepat waktu kita langsung selesaikan permasalahannya.

1. Klik Start di pojok kiri Bawah- Control Panel - System and Security - System.

Cara mudah mengaktivkan Smadav

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Cara Mendapatkan Dollar di Facebook

Dollar Dan Facebook

Sesuatu yang menarik untuk di pelajari... kalu gitu kita ke pokoknya aja..

Peraturan pertama.....jangan tanya  dapat berapa..??, daftar aja barusan gan, tapi dah punya trik promosi pakai FACEBOOK.
Cari Dollar dari hasil minimal $0.025/ klik, jadi 1000 klik dah dapat minimal $25. Kalau pakai FaceBook, kalau agan bisa Twitter atau G+  jadi point + +.

1. Daftar Dulu kesini gan :
2. Selanjutnya Update Profile, yang paling penting, click Connect FACEBOOK (ntar login ke Facebook, udah punya kan....?? bikin baru juga boleh )

Target pendapatan $50

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